Suzanne Lovell Inc


Hail to the Heels with these 3-D creations!

Just a couple of years ago, the thought that a machine could make high-heels would have sounded absolutely crazy to almost everyone. But here we are in 2015 and technology has been pushed so very far!

Using one of our favorite printers, the sPro selective laser sintering (SLS) machine by 3D Systems, well-known architects were put to the task of creating pairs of structural shoes using solely 3D printing. Rem Koolhaas’ company, United Nude, was behind this collaborative project and exhibition which pushed technology boundaries above and beyond! If nothing else and if they prove “unworkable”, these are conversation pieces which showcase amazing creativity and construction!

“Flames” by Zaha Hadid feature thorn-like spikes that surround the feet.

Image courtesy of: United Nude

“Amonite” by Mexican architect, Fernando Romero are based on the spiral shells of fossilised sea creatures. Completely covering the foot and ankle, these shoes look like something that could have been found in nature… lipstick-red color aside!

Image courtesy of: United Nude

“UNX2” by Ben van Berkel were imagined by thinking of how you can extend length, especially if you see if from the back. “… very easy to walk in, said van Berkel because strong construction inside the shoe made it completely stable. The curving vertical ribbons the leg’s shape and who wouldn’t want that?

Image courtesy of: United Nude
