Suzanne Lovell Inc


The Ice Hotel

If you’re looking for a place to stay in Sweden during the winter months, check out the Ice Hotel. The Sweden Ice Hotel was founded in 1989 and is located outside of Jukkasjärvi along the Torne River, about 200 km north of the Arctic Circle. Artists and designers use snow and ice to rebuild the hotel every year. Artists carve the furniture and walls creating distinct masterpieces each year for an ever-changing experience. In the spring, the hotel melts, and the builders start fresh the following winter. Visitors can spend a night in a room made of ice with temperatures at -5 degrees. We have heard that it is a great experience for one night…and then perhaps return to a normal temperature for more comfortable sleep. 

A Suite inside the Ice hotel.

Image courtesy of Ice Hotel.

An Art Suite inside the Ice Hotel.

Image courtesy of Ice Hotel.

An amazing place to sleep inside the Ice Hotel.

Image courtesy of Ice Hotel.

An igloo to sleep in inside the Ice Hotel.

Image courtesy of Ice Hotel.
