Suzanne Lovell Inc


Architectural Lalique

We have spent a great deal of time recently looking at Lalique crystal as we are considering a design for a clear and etched large disk chandelier. The intent is to create many small flowers of crystal to be attached to a sub-structure and light from behind. We are limited only by the small number of historic pieces that were created and produced by Rene Lalique originally.

Now we are delighted to see other creations being produced by Lalique in collaboration with Zaha Hadid and other architects. The flowing lines of her architecture lend themselves so beautifully to the clear and pure black crystal creations. Enjoy!

Vase Manifesto and Vase Visio by Zaha Hadid. 

Image Courtesy of

Vase Manifesto.

Image Curtesy of

Vase Visio. 

Image courtesy of
