
Award-Winning Custom Dining Room Credenza

All images courtesy of Suzanne Lovell Inc.

We’re deeply honored to have won this year’s Acanthus Award from the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art! The ICAA selected our Custom Dining Room Credenza for their Allied Arts & Craftsmanship Award, which we are proud to share with VCA, Inc. & Maureen Fullam.

This Dining Room Credenza features a sophisticated combination of materials: silver leaf over Victorian yellow clay with verre églomisé and hand-cast bronze hardware. The interior is stained walnut and outfitted with custom drawers and inserts to house the Client’s formal dinner service.

The jury remarked: “The design suits the space extremely well. Attention to detail is both precise and nuanced. This is a level of subjectivity that takes a true artisan. Nothing was too difficult to pursue and there were no pursuits without purpose.”

Thank you to the ICAA as we’re beyond thrilled!!

View more of our Skyline Penthouse.