A more perfect setting there couldn’t be for Tadao Ando’s new 2014 creation. Set with the mountains and the Pacific Ocean as the backdrop in Oaxaca, it’s here that Mexican artist, Bosco Sodi, convinced Ando to build him the artists’ refuge he’s always imagined. The 8,000 square foot structure was a long time coming… Sodi had been attempting to get Mr. Ando to design a Zen-like edifice for him for many years. Sodi finally trekked to LA to personally show Ando the arial views, and Ando was intrigued. Growing up, the Puerto Escondido area provided a lot of inspiration for Sodi. So, in addition to providing artists with a location far away from the craziness of everyday life, Casa Wabi will allow the local population exposure to world-class artists… truly a “Pay It Forward” gesture!
Many works already adorn the property and with the goal of meshing visiting artists with locals, there’s sure to be a lot of transformation in the coming years. The building is typical of Ando’s style, and his philosophy is beautifully expressed in the space: “Nothing being finished, nothing being everlasting, and above all, nothing being perfect”…just like the Japanese saying of “Wabi Sabi” (The Brooklyn Rail). Sodi’s principles can perhaps be best seen by the 30 foot-long table he designed from a single tree. This serves as a place for artists to converge and come out of their daily solitary environment. We can’t think of a better place to share a meal!
The pool, designed by Tadao Ando, is mere steps from the Pacific Ocean.
Photo couresy: Your Design Folder and photographed by: Nicholas Alan Cope