It’s almost as though Katherine Gray feels sorry for the medium of glass. She says, “It is a material that we spend a lot of time not looking at, but I have invested a good part of my artistic livelihood trying to perfect working with it, to make visible the invisible”. Gray is a master at showcasing the contemporary uses of glass. Invoking us to “feel” in a time that is so very manufactured and clinically processed, a genuine experience is what we’re left with… so rare in today’s world!
Thanks Katherine, please keep it up!
“A Tree Grows” is made from acrylic, glass and steel shelving units that display the glassware perfectly! Katherine’s work DOES almost disappear.
Tallest tree is 80″, 2013. Earth Collection
Katherine Gray’s work from SOFA at Elliott Brown Gallery’s booth.
Table-topiaries from blown glass, 17″ – 23″ tall, 2008.
Image courtesy of” American Craft Council
Katherine Gray at work, glassblowing fiercely.
Image courtesy of: Grey Area