Fine Art

SLI highlights personal art collection for special group

Last week, on September 19th, we were thrilled to have been chosen by EXPO Chicago to conduct a tour of our unique art collection.  Displayed throughout our downtown studio, Suzanne Lovell led a group of enthusiastic VIPs around, focusing on our key pieces.  There was also a chance to discuss our firm’s ideals on how to incorporate fine art with beautiful interiors.

This request couldn’t have come at a better time as we were able to share our latest, very exciting, acquisition, “The Hero” by Marina Abramović.

Marina Abramović, The Hero, 2001. Colour coupler print, 48 1/2 × 48 1/2 in.  Abramović dedicated ‘The Hero’ to her father, who was a soldier in World War II.

Photo courtesy of: Suzanne Lovell, Inc.

Photo courtesy of: Suzanne Lovell, Inc.