Suzanne Lovell Inc

Fine Art

Edward Burtynsky’s View of the Quarry

Edward Burtynsky (Canadian, b. 1955) Rock of Ages #15, 1992. Active section, E.L. Smith Quarry, Barre, Vermont.

Image courtesy of Edward Burtynsky.

Edward Burtynsky is a Canadian photographer who released a book focused on his exploration of quarries and how they impact the landscape. His concept of the landscape as architecture is inspiring. He said of the project, “I had never seen a dimensional quarry, but I envisioned an inverted cubed architecture on the side of a hill. I went in search of it, and when I had it on my ground glass I knew that I had arrived.” We have enjoyed installing a pair of quarries from this series recently in a historic landmark building in Chicago. These photographs in a large scale are a pleasure to behold, as abstract from afar, and with miniature detail up close, they are a wonder of systemization and a document of a process that affects our environment.

Over time we have become experts on natural stone and quarries. The stone taken out of a quarry can be completely different from the same stone taken out of the same quarry as early as a year before, so we are constantly updating our library to keep the current and best on hand at all times.

Edward Burtynsky (Canadian, b. 1955) Rock of Ages #4, 1991. Abandoned section, Adam-Pirie Quarry, Barre, Vermont.

Image courtesy of Edward Burtynsky.

Edward Burtynsky (Canadian, b. 1955) Rock of Ages #25, 1991. Abandoned section, Adam-Pirie Quarry, Barre, Vermont.

Image courtesy of Edward Burtynsky.

Edward Burtynsky (Canadian, b. 1955) Iberia Quarries #8, 2006. Cochicho Co., Pardais, Portugal.

Image courtesy of Edward Burtynsky.

Edward Burtynsky (Canadian, b. 1955) Marble Quarries #001, 1991. Rultland, Vermont.

Image courtesy of Edward Burtynsky.

Edward Burtynski (Canadian, b. 1955) Iberia Quarries #2, 2006. Marmorose EFA Co., Bencatel, Portugal.

Image courtesy of Edward Burtynsky.
