Lake Shore Drive Penthouse

1920s era penthouse living room view of fireplace in soft black and white palette renovated by Suzanne Lovell Inc.

1920s era Lake Shore Drive penthouse entrance hall with black and white checkerboard floor

1920s era Lake Shore Drive penthouse entrance hall with black and white checkerboard floor

1920s era Lake Shore Drive penthouse library with red walls and round mirror above fireplace

1920s era Lake Shore Drive penthouse bedroom designed in soft neutral palette

1920s era penthouse living room view of fireplace in soft black and white palette renovated by Suzanne Lovell Inc. 1920s era Lake Shore Drive penthouse entrance hall with black and white checkerboard floor 1920s era Lake Shore Drive penthouse entrance hall with black and white checkerboard floor 1920s era Lake Shore Drive penthouse library with red walls and round mirror above fireplace 1920s era Lake Shore Drive penthouse bedroom designed in soft neutral palette

About This Project

Suzanne Lovell Inc. meticulously renovated this 1920s era penthouse, combining two floors and honoring a sophisticated collection of fine art and antiques for elegant and long-time clients.

“Fabulous Professionals… the only words I can think of to describe the entire team.”

—Client, Chicago

“We first walked into our new place on Saturday and have been in a state of bliss ever since. Our home is absolutely spectacular – in its overall conception and in every detail, in design and execution. Hats off to you – you do great work!”

—Client, Manhattan
